Crypto Cereal Boxes

We all love cereals. Crypto Cereals Boxes plans to be a warm, friendly and family coleccion. Our Cereal Boxes NFTs are a video loop of an rendered and animated 3d box.

Every morning tradition

Cereal, often called breakfast cereal, is a traditional breakfast food made from processed cereal grains. It is traditionally eaten as part of a balanced breakfast, or a snack food.

An NFT collectibles project

We create a project with different categories to design boxes with different themes. Each one of them are an artwork. Each one of them receives its authenticity in a blockchain.




Theme: Randoms
Boxes: 100 Unique



Theme: Tokyos
Boxes: 3 Unique Boxes



Theme: Originals
Boxes: 1 Unique


First Box

Theme: First Box
Boxes: 1 Unique and giveaway boxes


The complete collection of Crypto Cereal Boxes are for sale on Opensea.

Available on OpenSea

Crypto Cereal Boxes

We all love cereals. Crypto Cereal Boxes plans to be a warm, friendly and delicious collection.
Our NFT cereal boxes are video loops of a 3d rendered and animated box.